

You used the voice.  You used the sad voice when I told you I wouldn't be writing a post until the long weekend was over, so I decided to whip up a quick little something for tonight. 

I have only 21 days left for me to finish my "21 things to do before I'm 21" list . . . and sadly I don't think I will complete it.  Here's the list--everything I have not completed is in red:

1.  learn another language
2.  top of Eifel tower
3.  ride on a gondola
4.  graffiti
5.  visit Stonehenge
6.  see a Broadway play
7.  Lake Havasupai
8.  skinny dipping
9.  go sailing
10. swim in the ocean
11. humanitarian trip/Africa
12. swim with dolphins
13. straddle a state line
14. run in some event
15. go to a nude beach
16. get up (and stay up) on water skis*
17. go to at least 2 foreign countries
18. Nauvoo temple/Carthage jail
19. walk the Golden Gate bridge
20. go to a French bakery
21. see a flower field -or- stay in a cute B&B
*I can't decide if this was completed

Granted, this list has been reformed/changed/adapted from the original.  When I first wrote it I was about 13 or 14, and so I didn't really know what to write or what cool things were out in the world . . . so I felt it appropriate to change the list to fit other cool things that I did.  So . . . maybe I will just do that.  Although six  of the seven that are still on my list are originals, so I feel lame for not completing those.

Whatever the case, I won't have another mile-marker birthday for 19 years, so I am going to live up the last three weeks before I become a true adult.

p.s. I woke up with this song stuck in my head and I am now going to bed with the same song stuck--that rarely happens:


Da said...

The Timp hike didn't count as seeing a flower field? I don't know what those colory thingies were sticking up all over the place, then.

anna said...

Sorry dad, I was kind of thinking more along the lines of tulip fields in Holland.

Daaaad said...

You are a dreamer. But somehow you have pulled off many a trip to far-away places. Perhaps Holland before 9/23 isn't impossible - at least in your imagination. Go to the National Arboretum or ask around, maybe there are fields of flowers nearby. Such a frufru.

anna said...

como la fruta como el arbol.

Daaa said...

Yes, you and your mother are very frufru. But she prefers lawn furniture to travel.