
Old Town

You were right.  Old Town Alexandria is awesome.  We went there Friday afternoon and walked around and ate some tasty food.  And rode on an old-fashioned trolley.  And saw the Masonic temple.

every single time I do this, people tell me I look like a babushka.
every time.

a wonderful, beautiful Christmas store of paradise

America's Next Top Model.

For Jon and James.

We also came across a wonderful old bookstore.  And I purchased a book.  Which I may or may not have started reading already today on the metro.

As we were walking home from the metro, we noticed that there was an abnormal amount of police cars around.  (As in three on every corner.)  So we finally stopped and asked a Mr. Antonio Christian, an upstanding policeman in the D.C. metro area and a soon-to-be comedian, what was going on.  We chatted with him for 15 minutes or so and then saw the President's grand parade drive past.  Barry waved at me.

And you know how the rest of that night ended up.  

[Dancing hard.  Real hard.]

{go utes.}

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