
birthday recap

So, as you may be aware, my birthday happened this weekend.  (Thank you for the card Grandma!  I got it on Saturday.  You are so sweet.)

Here's what the moment was like.  Carly and I were sitting in our room next to one another.  She, looking at Thailand stuff; me, trying to restore my dumb pictures (spent two hours to no avail).  Every few minutes leading up to midnight, she's say something like, "Oh my gosh, you only have four minutes to be 20!"  And then around 12:02 or something,  she looked at me and said, "Oh hey Anna, you're 21 now."

Magical moment.

Anyway, the rest to follow is a breakdown of the festivities.  I woke up in the morning and sat in bed for a while, until Carly asked me, "When are you getting out of bed? . . . . . 'cause we're making you breakfast at 9."  So I happily went down and had a delicious breakfast with her and Kelsey and McKay.  And remember the nail polish that broke 4 weeks ago?  Well, Carly found some of the same color and gave that to me.  Along with sunflower and poppy seeds.  (The kind you plant, not the kind you eat.  I'm going to find some cute flower boxes when I get home and paint them.)  So thoughtful.

We went to church and hung out with some people around your age.  Then we went to dinner and I was given a bouquet of flowers and a cake with 21 candles.  And we talked.  And then I came home and talked on the phone/skype.  And then Carly, McKay, and I shared secrets.  And then I went to bed.

Celebrations carried on into Monday.  At work they had tasty bakery stuff and the chief-of-staff played the ukulele.  Amanda treated me to a lunch at Good Stuff Eatery.  I had a turkey burger with avocado, tomato, munster, etc. and fries with rosemary, thyme, and sea salt.  Need I say more?

I was given a slice of chocolate cake at the end of the day, and then Amanda and I went shopping in Georgetown.  Let's just say, I may or may not have found a blazer that converted me from thinking I would ever want to/actually own a blazer.  It was love at first sight.  Wonderful texture, great fit, beautiful lining, big buttons, elbow patches . . .ahhh.  Only problem: out of my price range.  Out of the ball park.

So that was the event.  It was great.  I'm 21.  It's over.  I have now hit the official age that I viewed as "old" when I was Kathryn's age.  (And, to be honest, when I was Michael's age.)  Cool.

[I am still in the process of figuring out how to recover my photos.  So once I make a decision on that I will tell stories about the weekend trip.  I will try to get that to you before I leave for Monticello.]

1 comment:

Young Dad said...

It's all downhill from there, Anna. Might as well pack your bags; we've got a room you can share with Grandma at the Beehive Homes.