
Botanical Gardens.

Yesterday, our class went up to Capitol Hill for class in the morning.  We had a two-hour break between two of our briefings, so we decided to spend some time being tourists.  We were on our way to the Air and Space Museum when we walked past a very pretty area:

Turns out, we were right next to the Botanical Gardens.  And seeing as our group is dominated by estrogen, the lure of flowers won over airplanes.  [Which I was fine with because (1) you know how I feel about flowers/plants/nature/life and (2) I want to go to the Air and Space Museum for their Halloween event which may or may not involve aliens.]  

Even though we were only there for an hour or so, I had to make this event its own blog post because of the number of pictures I took.  (I forgot my camera, but luckily sweet Carly let me use hers.)  You know what happens when you combine me, a camera, and plants . . . .

(Showcasing the lovely plants.)

I kinda sorta really love plants.  Actually, I don't know if other people get this, and I don't think I have ever explained this to you . . . but sometimes I get so filled with joy/excitement/happiness/something-that-is-really-good-and-awesome that I feel like I'm going to burst.  Most of the time it has something to do with nature.  And that's how I felt at the Botanical Gardens.  Like I was at a giant feast and I would never be able to take in everything, so I definitely plan on going back.  (Especially to write down the names of certain plants so I can have them in my garden or greenhouse.)  And I could go on and on but I'll just stop now, because I probably sound crazy.


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