
a dream come true

I rarely, if ever, write to a company/organization/whatever-it-is-you-name-it with comments or questions.  (Unless, of course it is in behalf of Mrs. Megen Morgan.)  Especially not large corporations.  

With that understood, there was one time where I felt strongly enough about something that went onto a company's website, typed in my specific product number, and left a very simple comment:

"Needs more bunches."

Yes, yes.  This was indeed a comment written to a cereal company.  And not just any cereal company, but  to the one and only Post, regarding their Honey Bunches of Oats.  

(Side note: Do not, I repeat, do not ever, under any circumstances, purchase a knock-off brand of this cereal.  You will be sorely disappointed and it is not worth whatever amount of money you would save.)

Anyway, this comment came after a few weeks of feeling that my boxes of Honey Bunches of Oats were lacking in the department of crunchy, delightful, sweet bursting flavor.  So I left that comment.

And lo and behold . . . .

Commenting works.  Companies do have ears.  The power of the people does exist.  This, my friends, is a true success story.  This is the American Dream.


Anonymous said...

You are on a sinking boat. You can only save one thing. Would you save your box of Honey Bunches of Oats or your brother James? Just wondering.

Love you -- Mom

anna said...

Do I have access to a bowl, spoon, and milk?

Anonymous said...

Yes --- or a Barney Doll.

Choose wisely.


anna said...

Oh, well in that case I will be kind to James and leave him with the Barney doll.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful sister. Enjoy your cereal.

love mom