
pretty things.

Dear Trent and McConkie family,

I'm going to apologize in advance if (a) you can't understand Megen when she gets back and (b) I am around/calling too much once we get back . . . sometimes I wonder if I'll be able to really communicate with anyone else.  And I also wonder how we'll fair not seeing each other every day.  You see, right now we are both trapped in some sort of Spanglish limbo and I fear that it'll only get worse.  And also, I went on an all-day hike on Sunday without her and we ended up meeting later that night to see each other and chat.  I am so lucky to have her as my best friend, thanks again for letting me steal her away.  It would have been very different without her.

That being said, the hike on Sunday was--simply put--breathtaking.  We hiked up into the mountains and down to a little town that you can only get to by foot or by horse.  There were times when we were only walking on a small edge between a giant rock wall and a cliff.  Pictures can not come even close to how amazing it was.

Yesterday it was really rainy and cold, and so we decided to go see X-Men at the theater--I couldn't really follow along too well with words, but luckily I knew the storyline/characters well enough that I understood the movie.  And we got candy and popcorn so that made it extra great.

Today we went to the aquarium in Gijon.  And I must say, scuba diving is now on my bucket list.  I was mesmerized by the fish.  I couldn't really get any great pictures of the fish [so just trust me that they're really really pretty], but here are some of us at the aquarium.

We finished off our day with some chocolate con churros [of course].  Until next time.

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