
and the winner is . . .

We have been on a bit of a search for the best chocolate con churros in Oviedo, and I believe that today we may have found a winner.

These treats from Valor definitely the biggest-bang-for-your-buck award, if not being complete winners.  The churros are huge, the chocolate is great, and you get to sit in this cute little old-fashioned salon.  And the people are really nice.  To be honest, at first I thought that they would bring out just a few small churros, but then our waitress walked out with this huge plate and we all got wide smiles and greedy eyes.  They were perfect for a rainy day.

I think that Alexa put it best when we were talking on Skype yesterday:  "The diet starts when I get back."

Our diet starts tomorrow . . . or 16 days from now.

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