
the source

Well, someone mistook my age for 15 again.  She was in shock when I told her that I am almost 22.  She asked how I looked so young---"Do you eat good food?  Do you have good skin?  Do you sleep a lot?"  I just told her it was genetics, said I have old parents without grey/gray (I never know which it is) hairs.

So it was a great weekend.  Friday morning we went to the school by our place for an assembly . . . which was basically just the children singing the same songs we hear every morning.  But it was great.  They were darling.  After finishing some work, we hopped on a mutatu and rode out to Jinja.  Friday afternoon was spent shopping at the markets (I found a painting for you!) and eating.  We then went to our hostel, which happened to be right on the Nile, and watched the sunset.

In the morning, we were just reading and eating breakfast when a fisherman named Fred pulled up:

He asked if we wanted to take a ride on his boat, so we decided it would be a nice morning activity.  Fred took us to the source of the Nile, pointing out animals (i.e., monkeys, king fishers, otters, monitor lizards, cranes, etc.) and telling us facts.  So cool.  After that, we spent some more time sitting by the Nile, grabbed some lunch, and then headed back home.

I cannot believe that tomorrow is my last full day.   
. . . . . . . . . . . . . like, it is really hard for me to process that fact.  I don't want to think about it.
So . . . yeah, we'll just pretend like I'll be here for a while, okay?  Okay, cool.

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