
Off again.

For the next 15 weeks I will be living in Washington, D.C.  It hasn't quite hit me yet, and I don't know if it will ever actually sink in.  Everything in life feels so temporary right now.  And although December seems like far away, I know that I will be finished and home and moving back to Provo before I can even blink.

However, this post is mainly for people who do not know why I am going to D.C.  (Or that didn't even know that I was going.)

{Small disclosure--all of these posts are typically addressed to my sweet mother.  (If you couldn't already tell by the title of this blog.)  She is the reason why I (and all of my siblings) am who/where/what I am today,  so it is only fitting that she gets a full documentation of my experiences.  Also, her ultimate dream is to be a fly on the wall around each of her children, so this is the closest I can get to that for her.  That being said, if I ever write something that doesn't make sense, it's probably just because I'm addressing a conversation that mom and I had.}

Here are the few reasons why I am going to Washington this fall:
  • I love adventures.
  • I will be interning in Senator Mike Lee's office.
  • Autumn is my favorite season, and I've heard that it is magnificent back East.
  • I want to better understand how the government functions.
  • I have never been to D.C., let alone anywhere in the U.S. east of Ohio (minus Disneyworld when I was 4).
  • I love fall.
  • I hear that it's a lot easier to run in D.C. due to the massive amount of oxygen in the air.
  • I love learning through experience.
  • Carli Schneider told me I'd be an idiot not to go.
  • I have heard nothing but wonderful things about D.C.
  • I cannot wait to go to all of the free museums and events.
  • Did I mention that I love this season?
  • Oh yeah, and there will be this little thing going on called the Presidential Election. 

Although I am sad to see the end of a wonderful summer, and although it feels really weird to not be returning to Provo . . . I am ridiculously excited.  It is going to be an amazing experience.  A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  And I'm planning on making every day an adventure.  So, if you are at all interested in hearing how things go (and seeing a lot of pictures of the trees) then just follow along this cute little blog.  

{happy to have you.}

1 comment:

Kimi said...

I love you. I love this blog. Thank you for making it and thank your momma for making you make it (if she did). Super excited for you and your many adventures and be sure to take INFINITE PICTURES of the beautiful eastern autumn trees and colors!!

(P.S. I never got to see you off; Papa's going to war again in a couple of days, so that's why I've been AWOL. The second you get home, I want a text so I can come see you and bug you.