
I'm gonna miss this

We have been singing this song all day.  All week, actually.  (Except I only knew the chorus until tonight when Carly finally showed the song to me.)  It's been a pretty great batch of final days.  Lunch at We, the Pizza (and a shake from Good Stuff, extra thick).  White House Christmas tree lighting.  Botanical Gardens' Christmas decorations and trains.  Staying up late talking.  Cupcakes.  Long run.  African Art museum (which only reinforced/strengthened my determination for Uganda in June).  Dinner at Busboys and Poets. 

Took this for you, as promised.
Partying with the Obamas



Brie, tomato, and spinach sandwich

We finished off the night at the Lincoln Memorial.  Beautiful.  Grand.  One of the park rangers gave us a little speech about the symbolism of the memorial---it was the perfect way to end our experience.  It took like 20 minutes, so I won't say it all, but basically the main message was that the purpose of our lives is to make the world we live in a better place.  He said that we will each make an impact in some way and that our memory would be preserved for those that we influenced, just as Lincoln is remembered.  It was deep, touching, and a little cheesy.  Great way to say goodbye.

We ended it where we began.

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