
A Colonial Weekend

I have been in D.C. for five weeks.  Five weeks.  Had this been Spain, I would be coming home tonight.  For some reason it seems like Spain was so much longer than these last five weeks have felt . . . but maybe that's just because I know that I still have 2/3 of the way to go.  Whatever the case, it seems like a long time and a short time all wrapped up in a I-still-feel-like-this-is-unreal package.  It's great.

This weekend I continually had this overwhelming feeling of love for the world.  Like it was going to burst right out of me.  It is really hard for me to put into words, but I imagine other people feel like this too so . . . hopefully you understand.  
Full of excitement.
Brimming with joy.
Giddy with love for the beauty of the earth.

You know, normal stuff.

To start off, let's just say that I am in love with Monticello.  The architecture, the draperies, the library, the gardens, everything.  So wonderful.  So beautiful.  We spent a good few hours wandering around, and we would have stayed longer if we hadn't been so hungry.  But we went to a really cool authentic colonial tavern for a late lunch and ate our little hearts out.  And then we looked around the area, went to some colonial shops, and then made our way to Williamsburg for the night.  (Where we may or may not have had ice cream from dinner.)

Amanda and I have been searching for these for weeks.
So when we saw them we just had  to get them.

A lady who worked at the store came up to me and told me that I needed to get this shirt.

It was a rainy day in Williamsburg, but that seemed to make it all the better.  I loved learning about everything, but my favorite part was walking around the canal by the Governor's Mansion and getting hot chocolate.  We spent our entire day wandering around there and then stopped by Steak n' Shake for dinner on our way back up. 

Dad, I found a perfect store for you.

And we made it back safely.  It was a wonderful weekend.

But the most exciting part of the weekend . . . . I just saw dad!!!!!!!!!!   Here's to a great next 2 days, 10 weeks, 60 years, etc.


a favorite.

Sorry--I told you that I would write about the weekend but it's late and I'm waiting on a few more pictures.  So I'm just going to share a lovely scripture instead.

"You know, bretheren, that a very large ship is benefited very much by a very small helm in the time of a storm, by being kept workways with the wind and the waves.
"Therefore, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
- d&c 123:16-17

Also, I have not thanked you nearly enough for these shoes . . .

I love them.  I wear them all the time.  Thank you.


philly cheesesteak

Right now I am sitting on my bed, in the dark, listening to nothing but a glorious rainstorm.

But that's not the point of this post.  I figured I should post about last weekend before I left for my next trip.  Luckily, Carly took pictures of the weekend as well, so you'll get the main jist of it all.  (However, once I figure out my deal I'll post the other pictures of the weekend along with pictures from my dome tour.)

We started off the weekend at Valley Forge . . .

Our tour guide.

Carly trying to steal my new boyfriend.
We woke up bright and early the next morning and made our way to Philadelphia.  I was enthralled by the Constitution museum there.  We saw the Liberty Bell and the room where the Constitution was signed.  Then I had my first-ever Philly cheesesteak, followed by amazing dark chocolate ice cream (which, of course, got all over).  Then we walked around, chatted in a beautiful park, saw Betsy Ross' house, and headed home.  (This is the main day that pictures are missing from.)

One problem about borrowing Carly's camera, however, is finding all of the wonderful candid pictures she takes of me . . .

Okay okay, these two were posed.  I picked up modeling.

At the end of the day, we came home surprised to find Carly's MISSION CALL in the mail.  Thailand!!

[better than any trip.]